The history of the Kalunga people: education and memory as mechanisms of resistance


  • Fernando da Rocha Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí
  • Fernanda da Silva Aquino Instituto Federal Goiano - Campus Urutaí



Traditional community, Memory, Education


This article aims to discuss the history of the Kalunga people on the Riachão farm, in the municipality of Monte Alegre de Goiás, and to establish a reflection on the importance of its people, its culture, memory, the stories told at school as a maintenance mechanism. of the local culture, demonstrating the importance of writing and memory as a tool against forgetting. The work was carried out through a bibliographic review and participant observation in the community itself as well as in local schools. It is evident that the history of the Kalunga people took place with the historical process over two hundred years ago, being a people descended from black people who were enslaved. They live in the largest territory in Brazil, in the Chapada dos Veadeiros. In this context, the objective is to portray the history of a people of many struggles, traditions, challenges and overcoming, which has its own identity, with knowledge and practices, in the cultural tradition, beliefs and others that have been passed down from generation to generation. In this sense, the methodology will be the participant observation of the educational process regarding the process of memory reconstruction, as well as the suggestion of insertion in the specific disciplines of care for local memories, both individual and collective memory, as an educational tool against the death (oblivion).


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How to Cite

Fernando da Rocha, & Aquino, F. da S. (2024). The history of the Kalunga people: education and memory as mechanisms of resistance. Multi-Science Journal, 7(1), 6–15.



Human and Social Sciences