Multi-Science Journal calls for papers concerning the COVID-19 outbreak


The global pandemic caused by the coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has rapidly caused a significant impact on public health and economy of more than one hundred countries so far. The World Health Organization (WHO) is gathering the latest scientific findings and knowledge on coronavirus and daily reporting new cases of infection, death counts and recovery per region. Click here to access the full database of WHO.


This call for papers is intended to spread light on issues of all aspects concerning COVID-19, including and not limited to the topics: modelling of infection risk, spatial and temporal distribution, simulation and estimation of economic risk, humanitarian logistics, systematic review and meta-analysis. MSJ will provide authors with a fast peer-review evaluation process. Papers are preferred to be short communications, between 2000 and 3000 words.


If you are a scholar with the will to contribute with an innovative unpublished paper that can help the fight of science against disease, please check the authors guidelines and do not miss out this opportunity.


The editorial board